Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Identity (Eyes Wide Open Book 1)


By: tedd Dekker


Published by: Outlaw Studios


Published On: December 28, 2012

Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars

This was a freebie on Amazon.com and it was only like 60 pages. The cover was interesting and made me want to read the book. This the first book in a four part series.
This book is about Christy and Austin are both orphans and became friends.  They have been spending time in an old storage locker belonging to the local hospital. It seems like some chemistry is building up between the two, but not sure, since the book was so short. Christy loses her locket and goes in search of her locket and finds herself trapped in a psych ward. Austin goes looking for her and ends up trapped there too.
I honestly felt myself get sucked into Christy's fear, and confusion.  I know the writing is great when I am already questioning if Christy and Austin are really crazy and belong in the psych ward of if this whole ordeal is just a wrong place wrong time type of thing.
Since the book was so short I am not going to give out other details except read the book.

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