Monday, March 18, 2019

Review: Shout

Shout Shout by Laurie Halse Anderson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was so excited to see that Laurie Halse Anderson had written a new book! I jumped right on my library's website and made sure I had reserved the first copy of their audiobook and was super excited when I got the notification that it was available!

Shout is a must read for all young adult readers. Yes the topic is a tough one and lot of people do not want to talk about it let alone discuss it. Sadly we all know someone or is that person who suffered/has suffered from sexual assault.

With the #meto movement this book speaks volumes! we have a voice and its loud and proud.

we here the true story of what happened to the author and also hear and discuss sexual assault.

A MUST read for everyone.

** you are not alone! **

View all my reviews

1 comment :

  1. This is such an important topic to touch on. I'm glad that it is approached in a way that highlights the subject but is still appropriate for the genre.
