My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I got a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review….
When I read the blurb I KNEW I had to read this book…. I crushed through this thing in 2 days… only because I did HAVE to sleep…. Not only is this a great book.. but the characters are relatable. It actually touched home for me since I did grow up in an abusive household.
We are introduced first to Joey who is a badass teen, always getting into trouble, with a HORRIBLE home situation. His father abuses his mother every day. EVERYDAY…. His father is also a cop. So of course everyone turns their head about the things he does. Joey drinks his feelings way and is afraid that he is going to grow up and be just like his father.
Dorothy is sweet, compassionate, the total opposite of Joey. She has wonderful parents, who are both psychologists and live a huge house, like a mansion. Dorothy is new and town and is trying to make new friends at the local dunkin doughnuts where everyone hangs out. This is where Dorothy meets Joey and things start getting real.
This book is so well written you feel like you are actually there watching their conversation, like you’re watching the whole book. It’s so REAL…..
A very sad, love story, that really ends up having a good ending. I am hoping there might be another book.
I cannot wait to read another book from this author.
A must read, you will not be disappointed..!!
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